viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

My goodbye

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to say goodbye.
This year has been such a complete one.
When the year started I was alone, I mean, I didn't know anyone. That situation was very strange to me taking into account that I've been with the same mates for fifteen years.
Thankfully I've met lots of people, from other places, with different ideologies and beliefs; and I've made a few very good friends.

A big effort was made to change my studying habits. I used to do my daily huge amount of homework and study two days before the exam. Now I do my homework "weekly" and I have to study way more often. But I had to learn how to study these subjects, at first I felt very frustrated, but now I'm used to it and I don't go crazy.

Moreover, I've learnt that studying other knowledge -non science- brands is not as bad as I thought. I mean, it's way much easier, but it has its own complications. Definitely, it's not easy peasy.

I've loved English, German and Translation classes. Spanish has never been my favourite subject in school and hasn't been in college as well, but I have to admit it wasn't that bad, I've learnt a lot.
Catalan and Informatics have been a huge waste of time, useless subjects, I had already studied everything we have been taught here at school.
Sadly, I couldn't stand Linguistics and Documentation.
Now it seems I hate this career, but that's not true. I've had fun, I've been lost in an explanation,  I've been bored and even half sleep, but you can't please everybody.

Finally, I give up Translation degree, I will study Microbiology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona next year.
However, I haven't lost a year- well technically I have ,but for me it's not wasted time.
I wouldn't change what I've lived, learnt, understood or felt that year.

I am grateful to my mates and my friens for this experience.
That's all, thanks!

Best luck on your exams!


I like everything: the sun, the weather,  the spare time, being able to have walks until late -because it's no longer dark and cold-, the smell of the flowers...

But there are two things I hate: Olive tree pollen and
I'm allergic to those two common focus.
They provoke me sneezes, I have itchy and watery eyes, and I suffer from rhinitis (stuffy nose).

However, spring is my favourite season of the year, followed by winter, but the latter one has a different story...

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011


Intelligence is the ability to learn, understand or deal with new situations.
The information and skills acquired through experience or educations is not intelligence, this is knowledge. We must not mix them up.
An intelligence quotient, more often called by its abbreviation  IQ, is a score you get by answering a test made of very different questions on which several abilities will be studied and considered.
There are lots of different IQ tests, but the Stanford-Binet is probably the most popular.
The IQ tests were created with the intention of helping the students who could experience difficulties in school, and give them specialized assistance.

Some of the abilities studied are quantitative reasoning, short-term and long-term memory, visual processing and reaction time.

The age is a determinant factor. Moreover, men and woman have differences in average scores on tests of determined abilities. And it's still undetermined why different races have different scores.

Once you get an IQ score you can't have a lower result. I mean, when you get an 110, it means you've got that level, if one day your score is lower is because you've had a bad day. It's not possible to obtain a lower result because your intelligence is something genetic, so you can only improve your abilities.

We all know Leonardo da Vinci was a genius, he had a 220 IQ. Surprisingly, he is not the person with the highest IQ. Marylin vos Savant  is in the Guiness Wold Records book due to her 228 IQ
This is a nice IQ score coindicence: Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, and Darwin had 160.

Terman's IQ classification was:

- below 70: definite feeble mindedness
- 70-80: Borderline deficiency
- 80-90: Dullness
- 110-120: Normal or average intelligence
- 120-140: Very superior intelligence
- 140 and over: Genius or near genius

But later Welscher made another one basing it on the Problable Error:
- 65 and below: Defective
- 66 - 79: Borderline
- 80 - 90: Dull normal
- 91 - 110: Average
- 111 - 119: Bright normal
- 120 - 127: Superior
- 128 and over: Very superior

*Interesting detail: Only one out of 500 people has a very superior intelligence.


I dare you to try!
 IQ test (Spanish)

Wise picture!

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011


The dispersion of the light is something very simple to obtain. You only need a glass prism to be able to separate the different radiations of the white light while passing through the crystal because each radiation has its own speed.

The red light is the fastest, followed by the orange, the yellow, the green, the blue, the indigo and the violet.
The explanation is that the red light has the longest wave length, and the refraction index is minor, at the time it  is less refracted and the refraction angle is lightly major.
The violet light has a complete different result: its wave length is shorter, and the refraction index is major. Therefore it is refracted more and its refraction angle is the smallest, turning a major angle aside that other visible lights.

 This is reflected in Snell's refraction law: the lights of different colors spread in the material medium at different speeds; only in the vacuum they propagate at the same speed.

This process is what happens so as to form a rainbow.

During the rain, the air has water drops in it, and when the light passes through it the colors of the visible spectrum appear. The red light appears in the outside and the violet in the inside.
If there is much light, it could be possible to perceive the second rainbow. Due to a second reflection of the light inside the drops, obviously, the order or the resulting colors will be reversed with the reversed colors reversed.

When the light comes into the water drop a refraction is produced. After that a reflexion is produced inside the drop, and later there are two refractions, one from the inside the other in the outside.


This was the first e-mail chain I've ever sent.
When I read it, I thought it could help other people to know they're not alone and that the tolerance is a very special and valuable gift and need.
I will select some sentences, there are lots of them, but to get the main idea, I think it's enough.

- I am the mother who cannot see the children I gave birth, raised and loved, the courts say that now I'm not a good mother for them because I live with another woman.
- I am the guy who never ended high school because everybody called me fag.
- I am the girl whose mother kicked her out because she discovered I am lesbian.
- I am a street walker prostitute because nobody wants to employ a transsexual.
- I am the man who gave up his beliefs because being homosexual was such a big sin.
- I am the sister who holds and hugs her brother every night while he cries.
- We are the parents who had to bury her daughter way before her time.
- I am the man who died alone in the hospital because my partner wasn't allowed to come into my room.
- I am the orphan who wakes up in the middle of the night having nightmares in which I am taken out of my home just because I had two dads.

- I killed myself just two weeks before my high school graduation. I couldn't wait more.
- I am the person who doesn't know which restroom use.
- I am the guy who is mistreated and battered by his classmates and the same one who is ignored by his teachers.
- I am the woman who feels guilty because she thinks she could be a better person if the society didn't detest her so much.


Meme examples

A meme is a concept spread by the internet, it is also an item of pop culture propagated via word of mouth.
It comes from the Greek "mimëma" = something imitated.
It is used in the latest cool websites.

A 'meme' doesn't have to be funny, provocative or even make sense. Most memes fall into on of three categories (according to urban dictionary):
  • Quirky stuff that isn't funny
  • Pathetic stuff that fills you with vicarious despair
  • revolting pictures that could be presented to some alien jury as evidence that humanity is cancer
All that is required for a meme to succeed is for a critical mass of basement dwellers to get in on it.
It started being something funny, but the trolling elite make it lost its essence.

4chan is a web forum in which you can find lots of memes. For example cute animals saying something incongruous, or other epic fails which are lost in the web and some guys with no social life find and link them into a board.

Eventually I have to admit that there are some super cute memes:

found in Lol Cats

I wanna..

Literature is the great escape. Graphic definition